Quality Management System (QMS)

ADK Consulting Engineers S.A. has been applying for 10 years now an integrated Quality Management System, adjusted to the engineering consulting industry singularities, which has been certified by ELOT (Hellenic Body for Standardisation) according to the requirements of the new, International Standard EN ISO 9001:2008.

Purpose of the QMS implementation

Our purpose is to improve its operation overall, aiming at the satisfaction of their Clients. More specifically, ADK:

  • is ensuring, through continuous controls/audits, the satisfaction of their Clients' requirements in every Project undertaken.
  • has established, through direct communication, the constant identification of their Clients' needs/expectations.
  • is setting yearly measurable objectives of optimum operation, with main focus on the Client.

  • Why are we applying the certified QMS?

    The reason why ADK S.A. is applying a certified Quality Management System is to ensure international acknowledgement regarding their operation in accordance with Legislation requirements, market trends and Clients' requirements, with ultimate goal the operation of each Project in a beneficial way for its users and the respect both for people and for the environment.

    QMS Application field

    Our Quality Management System constitutes the basis for the preparation and application of the "Project Quality Programmes" (PQP), so that:

  • the legislation and normative requirements are fulfilled,
  • the national legislation requirements are fulfilled, according to the relevant European Norms, for the "Quality during the life cycle of the Project"
  • there is a UNIFIED (as regards the applied corporate strategy), DEFINITE (since each project is considered unique) and CONTROLLED (due to the fact that inspections are continuously applied) realisation of each project.
  • The procedures of the QMS also outline the applied human resources management policy (training – evaluation), as well as the management of all the company's supplies system (suppliers' evaluation, selection procedure).

    QMS realisation

    The realisation of the Quality Management System provisions is practically achieved through the following:

  • Through the Management's commitment. One member of the BoD is in charge of issues relevant with Quality Management policy.
  • Through the provision of a friendly and ergonomic work environment, according to the relevant legislation and ELOT 1801 Standard requirements, regarding health and safety at workplace.
  • Through constant personnel training, so that all the staff members are up-to-date with the System requirements.
  • Through the establishment and operation of a specific Quality Management Department, the Director of which is coordinating and inspecting the System's realisation.
  • Through the appointment for every Project of a Quality Manager, who is closely cooperating with the Project Manager on the Project's Quality Programme realisation.

  • The QMS as a dynamic tool for the Company's development

    The Quality Management System is the Company's vehicle for its constant expansion and development, since its core is based on the triptych "Measure-Analyze-Improve", which is implemented as follows:

  • Through the measuring of data and indicators, positive and negative (Clients' satisfaction, possible complains) that are accounted for with various indexes, so that they consist an invaluable "Management Tool"
  • Though analysing the causes for possible qualitative deviations which is accomplished by implementing numerous controls on every Project task.
  • Through the improvement of the QMS, as dictated by the Management, which is clearly proved by the new editions of the QMS.
  • 2013 | ADK - Consulting Engineers S.A. | all rights reserved